Development of a Youth Friendly Sexual and Reproductive Health Mobile App (iOS and Android)

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Development of a Youth Friendly Sexual and Reproductive Health Mobile App (iOS and Android)

  • Post Date:February 23, 2021
  • Views 641
0 Applications
  • Career Level Consultant
    Qualification Degree
Job Description

Ref.No. 210202

Terms of Reference for the Development of a Youth Friendly Sexual and Reproductive Health Mobile App (iOS and Android)


CASDI Trust is a registered local non-profit organization that primarily works to build the capacity of vulnerable adolescents and young people to access comprehensive and age-appropriate GBV prevention, HIV, Sexual and Reproductive Health information and services.

Objective of the Consultancy

To deliver an integrated comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education and service application addressing reproductive health and related sexual violence concerns of adolescents and young people in Zimbabwe.

The mobile application will contain a series of edutainment modules on sexual reproductive health, gender-based violence and life skills based on the needs of young people in Zimbabwe. This will be delivered via interactive digital content, and connected to the Question-and-Answer platform of CASDI Trust with trained counsellors providing confidential information about youth health in a youth- friendly manner. The content for the application will be gathered during the contract period, working actively with a broad base of young people to optimize the usability and youth friendliness of the application.

The application is also expected to incorporate the following:

  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) tools in the platform to test knowledge, monitor most requested and viewed contents and measure change over time.
  • Links to CASDI Trust’s social media sites.
  • Referral to youth friendly services that allows young people to rate service canters and include the in-built geolocation services on the user’s phone.

Eligibility for the Consultancy

Individuals, companies or organizations interested must submit and include, where applicable, the following documents:

  • A Technical proposal with a breakdown of activities, elaboration of processes and timing for the gathering of content, testing and development of the mobile phone application in Android and iOS versions.
  • Resumes of individuals and/ or organizational profiles that will be engaged for the service.
  •  Financial proposal detailing the proposed budget.
  • Timeline for implementation and activities.
  • Proof of past related work.

CASDI Trust may at any point during the review and selection process, contact applicant firms with questions regarding their application.

Requisites for application/proposal submission

  • Duration of the consultancy is 6 months contract and the work must be completed in 6 months.
  • A commitment to and understanding of the necessity and importance of providing age-appropriate SRHR information and connection to services for adolescents and young people.
  • Demonstrated experience in branding, design and development of electronic and mobile applications for youth or adolescents/audiences in low resource settings.
  • The brand logo and style guide must:
    • Be cross-device & cross-platform (iOS and Android)
    • Appeal to youth and adolescents
    • Indicate a level of privacy and confidentiality

Essential requirements for applicants/contractors

In order to complete above tasks in a satisfactory way the applicants are to specifically demonstrate the following in the proposals:

  • Proven technical expertise and track record of developing edutainment content for mobile phone or web applications. A proven track record of similar SRHR and/or youth counselling projects designed for low resource settings is an added advantage.
  • Experience with youth SRHR counselling: The applicants shall have experience working with counsellors, and demonstrate technical expertise in connecting to mobile counselling platforms in order to ensure effective delivery of the sensitive content in a confidential manner.
  • Involvement of youth in programs: The applicants must demonstrate a strong profile in involving youth (or other stakeholders) in all stages of the innovative process, and developing the capacity of young people and local organizations in the project in order to ensure uptake and sustainability of project.
  • Demonstrated Technical expertise in latest solutions for current ICT challenges in low resource settings: The applicants must have a proven track record of highquality delivery of similar projects, indicating how ICT challenges have been met in different circumstances in low resource settings and examples of innovative solutions to contribute to our project.
  • Demonstrated capacity to develop M&E tools to measure impact and distribution plans for the project beyond development phase to ensure uptake.
  • Demonstrated experience of designing edutainment content and making it contextspecific, collaborating with the creative sector to ensure a well-designed and attractive platform.

The successful contractor shall provide the following:

  • Technical equipment for the development of the mobile phone applications in Android and iOS versions. This will be in line with the technical proposal – for the gathering of content, testing and development.
  • Details of the marketing and distribution plan for the mobile phone application post launch in August/ September 2021.

CASDI Trust shall provide the following:

  • Stakeholders from different operational areas.
  • Existing SRH and other related content.
  • Technical expertise to develop Monitoring and Evaluation platforms.

Deadline for Submission

  • Bids should be e-mailed to [email protected] by Tuesday the 9th of March 2021 at 2359hrs.